Improving our day to day life
We are experts in cooling. We research it and we monitor it to achieve perfection in food preservation and thus improve .
A single goal since 1966, OUR CUSTOMER
Designing and manufacturing customized cooling solutions.
Our Company, based in Pamplona (Spain), designs, manufactures and commercializes Remote and Plug-in Display Cases as well as Condensers, Evaporators and customized Heat Exchangers. Having this large range of products we are able to offer turn key projects, service, as well as retrofit and restyling solutions

Latest news
October 5, 2021
Koxka launches its new range of remote multidecks, one of the most efficient on the market
The new kR Ocean Open and Closed multidecks achieve great energy savings and a greater load capacity and product vision thanks to their new design
September 28, 2021
Koxka, sponsor of the ATMOsphere Europe Summit 2021
The event, which will be held online, is one of the most important in the sector of natural refrigerants
They trust us

In collaboration with:
This company has received a grant from the Government of Navarre 40% co-financing from the European Regional Development Fund through the ERDF Operational Programme 2021-2027 of Navarre

The project has received funding from Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness in the framework of Aid programme for re-industrialisation and promotion of industrial competitiveness.
Project co-funded by European Invedstment Bank (EIB)

Valid until April 13, 2024