These models have been designed for their use with glycol water and other types of coolants. They can be used in combination with chillers. This range features 90 models, with capacities ranging from 100 to 844 kW.

Finned coils:

Built with copper tubes with a 1/2″ diameter, manufactured accor­ding to CUPROCLIMA specifications, with aluminum corrugated fins. High performance rates can be achieved with these coils.

Every coil has passed a leakage test under a rated pressure of 3,923 kPa (40kg/cm2) and pressurized using ni­trogen at 147 kPa (1.5kg/cm2) in order to avoid the corrosion of the inner surface of the copper tubes.


The case structure of the cooling unit is manufactured in galvanized steel; its external surface is finished in epoxy-polyester and then baked and cured at 180°C, achieving a high protection against corrosion even under extreme environmental conditions. Metallic protection on connections and return bends.

These condensers are equipped with internal partitions to avoid the “by-pass” effect during the sequential operation of fans. They are also prepared for easy handling and container transportation.

Fans and motors:

The fans have a800mm diameter. They are equipped with external rotor three-phase motors (400V @ 50Hz).

In addition, the electrical connections are included.

Available with high-efficiency EC fans.

Quality observations:

  • Safer than closed circuit cooling towers. NO risk of legionella.
  • Cheaper maintenance than in the case of cooling towers.
  • Same platform for all condensers.
  • Protection against bacteria impacts.

Fin Material

  • Copper Fins
  • Coated Fins

Electrical Options

  • Shielding
  • Isolator switch
  • 60Hz Fans


  • Blygold Treatment
  • EC Fans

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